Go here to read the differences between Code of Conduct and Ethics 2014 and Core Values 2018.
1. Knowledge of and Compliance with the Law
Estate Agents shall abide by, and be fully conversant with, the Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Act 1981 (amended 2017) and Rules 1986, and have a sound knowledge of all relevant laws, statutory provisions and procedures applicable to estate agency practice and/or its business activities.
2. Continuous Professional Development Program
Estate Agents shall follow a required program for the continuous systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills regarding all laws, proposed legislation, governmental regulations, public policies, current market conditions and matters affecting the real estate agency practice in order to execute their professional and technical duties to their Clients and the Public competently.
3. Conduct of Registered Estate Agents in safeguarding the best interests of their Clients by acting with Fairness and Integrity
Estate Agents shall exercise reasonable care in adhering to the principles of fair competition by conducting themselves in an impartial and just manner to all parties involved in an estate agency transaction so as to uphold the professional status and reputation of the profession.
4. Providingsion of quality services with Courtesy, Fairness and Integrity
Estate agents are duty bound to render quality services to their Clients with absolute fidelity, and to practice their profession with devotion to the highest ideals of integrity, honour and courtesy, and also to conduct their business activities in the spirit of fairness and goodwill to the Public and to his fellow professionals in the real estate industry.
5. Transparency and Accuracy of Statements
Estate agents shall exercise a reasonable duty of care to protect the Public against error, fraud, misrepresentation, concealment of pertinent facts and unethical practices in any real estate transaction for which terms of engagement have been accepted.
6. Personal Interests and Relationships to be disclosed
Estate agents shall disclose any past, present or foreseeable future interests and/or relationships, either with the Client or the property being transacted, that could lead to, or be construed as, possible conflicts of interest, when accepting any terms of engagement for sale, purchase, let, rent or lease.
7. Acting within the Law
Estate agents shall act within law and shall avoid selling, subletting or otherwise permitting any other person to use any authority to practice issued to them under the Act or risk facing the most severe of disciplinary sanction imposed by the Board at all times, faithfully observe and perform all their obligations under the Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Act 1981 (amended 2017) and Rules, and other laws of the land, made thereunder and comply with every standard, directive, circular, guideline and decision of the Board.
8. Duties of Real Estate Agent in respect of Negotiators
Every Estate Agent has a duty to ensure that his/her Negotiators comply with the Core Values contained herein in so far as the context herein permits.