My Reading List - Part 1&2
Do you have a concise reading list for BOVAEP Exam Part I & II (LPPEH Exam Part I & II)?
There is a reading list for each subject given by the Rules & Guidelines to the Part I & II Estate Agent Examination (hereafter 'Rules and Guidelines'), published by LPPEH, 2nd Edition 1-January 2005.This is the official "Textbook and References" and unless there are changes in the above 'Rules and Guidelines', it is still the 'LIST'. Despite the relevance of materials over time (since 2005 was 10 years ago), you should not just rely on the below reading list which I develop based on my journey in the examination.
My reading list is much about my own preference, and DOES NOT represent the recommended textbook and reference from the Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents, Malaysia.
Part I
D01 Principles of Accounting
1. Any basic accounting elementary book would do.
D02 Introduction to Law
1. Lee, Mei Pheng & Detta, Ivan Jeron. 2013. Commercial Law, 2nd Edition, Oxford Fajar. (Recommended as study text).
2. Nuraisyah Chua Abdullah. 2013. Questions & Answers on Malaysian Courts, Statutes, Cases & Contract, Tort and Criminal Law, 2nd Edition, International Law Book Services
D03 Principles of Economics
1. Any entry level Economics book would do.
D04 Property Taxation
No specific text written just for this, as it involves accounting tax, property tax (RPGT & Stamp Duty) and ratings.
Various Acts of Parliament are important:-
- Local Government Act, 1976
- Town and Country Planning Act, 1976
- RPGT Act, 1976
- Stamp Act, 1949
- Income Tax Act, 1967 (only minor parts)
D05 Principles and Practice of Marketing
1. Hamid, Abdul, bin Mar Iman. 2002. An Introduction to Property Marketing. Penerbit UTM.
D06 Building Technology I
1. Geoffrey C. Mrema, Lawrence O. Gumbe, Hakgamalang J. Chepete & Januarius O. Agullo. 2011. Rural structures in the tropics - design and development. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome.
D07 Land Economics
1. Wyatt, Peter. 2013. Property Valuation, 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Chapter 1 Microeconomics concepts.
D08 Estate Agency Law
1. MEAS 2014
2. Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Regulation 1986
3. Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Act 1981
4. Rules and guidelines on CPD for RV, RA & REA 2nd Ed, 2005
5. Rules and guidelines to the TPC for Estate Agency Practice 2nd Ed, 2007
D09 Principles of Valuation
1. Hamid, Abdul, bin Mar Iman. (2007) Property Supply and Demand. Penerbit UTM.
2. Omar, Ismail. (2013) Teori dan Amalan Penilaian Harta Tanah. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Edisi 2.
D10 Laws Relating to Property
1. Buang, Salleh. (2007) Malaysian Torrens System. 2nd Ed. Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka.
2. Ainul Jaria Maidin et al (2008) Principles of Malaysian Land Law. LexisNexis.
3. National Land Code, 1965.
4. Land Acquisition Act, 1960.
5. Strata Titles Act, 1985.
6. Strata Management Act, 2013.
7. Town and Country Planning Act, 1976.
8. Housing Development (Control & Licensing) Act, 1966 (only minor parts)
D11 Real Estate Agency Practice
No specific text written just for this, as it involves the practical issues of estate agents in the field.
1. MEAS 2020 (3rd Edition)
2. Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Regulation 1986
3. Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Act 1981
General knowledge of loan application, finances, investment, insurance, marketing and daily happenings around the profession.
D12 Building Technology II
Google some basic building technology books in the Internet.