I have developed 4 Paid Membership Levels for this Website, with a FREE Trial Membership of 14 days. They are Junior, Part 1, Senior and Part 1&2. Below are the explanation for the various levels. As of current (Mar, 2018) this examination is carried out once a year around 2nd week of July.
The result is usually announced end of February or early March the following year. Hence, there is a 6 months lapse before you could decide how to move on.
Part 1
There are 6 papers in Part 1, with total attempts of 3 sittings - VAEA Rule 33A (5)(a) - within 3 years. If you are unable to pass all 6 papers within 3 attempts, you need to restart all 6 papers in the 4th attempt. This means the best strategy to go for this examination is to attempt all 6 papers and pass as many as possible in the first attempt. In this way, you have 3 chances for any paper. If not, there will be papers which you would have less chances if taken later.
The membership levels are Junior and Part 1.
Junior is for those who are re-taking Law, Tax and Marketing subjects - which are common repeat papers.
Part 1 is for those who are taking all 6 subjects.
Part 2
There are also 6 papers in Part 2, with total attempt of 3 sittings - VAEA Rule 33A (5)(b) - within 4 years. This means a candidate is allowed a year of leave. IN OTHER WORDS, a candidate can do 3 examinations out of 4 years. Failing which, the candidate has to restart all 6 papers. As Part 2 has 3 law related papers, it is recommended that all the 3 law papers - Estate Agency Law, Law Relating to Property & Real Estate Agency Practice be taken at the same sitting.
The membership levels are Senior and Part 1&2.
Senior is for those who are re-taking Estate Agency Law, Laws relating to property and Real Estate Agency Practice - which are common repeat papers.
Part 1&2 is for those newly set to take the WHOLE DIPLOMA and would want to do Part 1 and 2 studies together. Renewal FEE will be waived.
Part 1 & 2
As all papers within Part 1 should be passed before proceeding to Part 2, many candidates maintained watch and wait strategy during the waiting time. This is wasteful and hard in maintaining the self-motivation and study momentum. Therefore, there are capable candidates who start preparing for part 2 while awaiting for part 1 results. This premium subscription is ideal for those!
Part 1 DO2 LAW ONLY!
This is new as I received requests that Introduction to Law is hard to pass, and probably subscribing to just one subject D02 has a certain demand.
Question & Answer Structure
The best way to tackle this examination is to go through the past year questions. I have passed this examination in 2017 (Part 2 in 1 attempt!) and I could anticipate certain repeat topics for this examination. However, there is no model answer provided by the Board, which made the difficulty of "how much an answer is a correct answer".
The solution
In the situation like this, we could only work on the "best suggested answers". Hence, the answers could be long winded, for trying to cover as sufficient as possible the intended scope of the question.